Truth Commissions

In search of the causes of violence, listening to the victims

Truth commissions in the field of transitional justice are pillars in the quest for truth in societies that have decided to confront dark periods of their history, whether after a conflict, a dictatorship, or specific crimes committed, for example, against an indigenous population. Justice Info covers truth commissions when they play a significant role in addressing the most serious crimes of the past.

Tunisians Support the Truth Commission

“Have you heard of transitional justice?”, “Do you know what kinds of abuses transitional justice deals with?”, “What do you expect of transitional justice?”, “Have you heard of the Truth and Dignity Commission?”, “Do you have confidence in the Truth and Dignity Commission?”, “Do you think it is necessary that the truth be revealed about […]
By Olfa Belhassine, Tunis Correspondent
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