"We also ask that the requests for the revision of our trials be considered with indulgence, because they are generally pushed back”, the inmates lamented.
The prisoners considered as regrettable that prisoners accused of genocide often see their sentences increased in appeal before the prosecution has reacted.
The meeting also took noted of the deteriorating buildings and the requirement for a special food diet for prisoners who were ill.
The central prison of Gitarama accommodates some 7,512 prisoners; some 5, 188 are accused of genocide, including 4, 883 men (4400 sentenced and 483 indicted).
The block reserved for prisoners of ordinary law has 2, 324 prisoners, including 2, 078 men, 152 women and 94 minors. 786 of the men have been convicted while 1 292 wait to be tried; 35 of the women have been convicted and 117 are awaiting their trial; 20 minors have been convicted and 74 are awaiting their trial, indicates the statistics of the prison. There a total of 60 infants, either their mothers came with them, or they came pregnant.