The accused in the case are former minister of Health, Casimir Bizimungu, the former minister of Foreign Affairs Jérôme Bicamumpaka, that of Commerce, Justin Mugenzi and Prosper Mugiraneza, former minister of Public Service. They are charged with a total of ten counts including genocide, complicity in genocide, incitement to genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, complicity in genocide, direct and public incitement to genocide, and crimes against humanity. They allegedly committed the crimes while serving in the interim government from April 9 to mid July 1994. The prosecution will start presenting their case as of Monday and they expect to call about sixty one witnesses according to the prosecuting counsel Paul Ng'arua. Fifty six of them are factual witnesses while five are experts. The trial is before Trial Chamber Two where Judge Asoka de Zoyza Gunawardana (Sri Lanka) is presiding assisted by judges Lee Muthoga (Kenya) and Khalida Rashid Khan (Pakistan)Apart from the trial of the four cabinet ministers, another case dubbed Military I trial will resume at Trial Chamber One. The case involves four senior former Rwandan military officers and was adjourned on October 3rd . PJ/CE/FH (GV'1031e)