During his testimony, the witness code-named KJ to protect his identity, had testified against one of the accused, the former director of Cabinet in the Rwandan Ministry of Defence, Colonel Theoneste Bagosora. KJ, the 56th witness to be called by the prosecution, was cross-examined in the afternoon by Paul Skolnik (Canada), Bagosora's co-counsel, regarding information he provided indicating that Bagosora had authorized Interahamwe militia to be given weapons and food. Colonel Theoneste Bagosora is co-accused with the former head of military operations of the army, General Gratien Kabiligi, the former army commander of Gisenyi region, Lieutenant Colonel Anatole Nsengiyumva, and Major Aloys Ntabakuze, former commander of Kanombe Paramilitary battalion based in Kigali. All four have pleaded not guilty to charges of, among others, genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The next witness expected to testify is AL. The prosecution expects to bring at least 10 more witnesses. The trial is being heard in Trial Chamber One of the ICTR composed of Judge Erik Møse from Norway, presiding, Judge Serguei Aleckseievich Egorov from Russia, and Judge Jai Ram Reddy of Fiji. SV/KN/JA/GF/FH (ML''0422e)