Hirondelle now

Since its creation in 1996, The Hirondelle Agency in Arusha has developed three types of activities: Information Documentation Training

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The IDTA offers an accurate, objective, swift and highly comprehensive coverage of ICTR and Rwandan judiciary proceedings to populations in Rwanda, in the sub-region (Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, the DRC and Kenya) and to a broad international audience.

In a written form or through radio broadcasts, the IDTA covers news directly related to the judicial consequences of the Rwandan genocide, at three levels:

A thorough coverage, based on facts, of ICTR trials -- via Agency news releases.
Thematic articles to help understand judiciary developments and how the Tribunal operates.
Radio interviews, portraits and magazines to make ICTR issues more accessible to listeners.

The IDTA produces an average of around hundred news releases and reports every month. The Agency has its own radio broadcasting studio,which allows it to produce magazines and reports for national and international radios.

The IDTA's written production is e-mailed daily to over 800 subscribers (media, organisations and interested individuals) and published on the Internet site of the Foundation (www.hirondelle.org). This web-site also operates as a comprehensive and free-access database including all Agency publications classified by trial and by chronological order.

Concurrently, many radio correspondences and reports are performed for international radio networks transmitting in the Region (VOA, BBC, RFI, Radio Vatican, Deutsche Welle,…) most frequently in Kinyarwanda and in Swahili. Many partnerships were also developed with national, public or private radio stations (Tanzania, Burundi...). Thanks to these different radios, Hirondelle News Agency's news reports can be heard not only in Rwanda, but also throughout the entire region.

Present in Arusha since the creation of the ICTR, the IDTA has covered all the trials: its output constitutes the current "memory" of the Tribunal. It is fully available free-of-charge in four languages on the Fondation Hirondelle's Internet site. The IDTA also offers any interested person access to a library with documents related to the Great Lakes Region.

From 1998 on, The AIDF ensured a training cycle designed to teach African journalists to report on judiciary events. Indeed, the specific nature of relations between justice and the media requires special training for journalists, which is often lacking in the Great Lakes Region as well as in many other African countries. Such training meets an obvious need and seeks to support the disclosure of judicial proceedings in Africa, thereby promoting human rights.