The nine arrest warrants issued against close relations of the Rwandan president were communicated to Interpol, confirms the prosecution of Paris. The recourse of Rwanda before the International Court of Justice on this subject was never examined, France not having recognized the jurisdiction of the court on this topic.
In an article written at the end of last year and published in the 2006/2007 Directory of the Great Lakes Region of Africa, published by Karthala, the specialist of Rwanda and the Great Lakes region reminds that this attack was, since the beginning, the central subject of debates and accusations.
"Two camps were thus formed" according to her, pro and anti RPF clashed on fixed topics: the author of the attack, massacres, the origin of the genocide, the French attitude. "Even if, according to the authors and countries of origin, inflections differ, the tone of the discourse is similar to imprecations or political and moral criticism, or even distanced analysis, the soundtrack does not change", writes Vidal.
"Only a trial could confirm or inform what the judge awaits", she writes. But with scarce clues and evidence, the judge adds, according to Vidal, an interpretation of the intentions of Paul Kagame. "... the account of Judge Bruguière builds a overly powerful character for whom the future is transparent (...) Is it necessary to attribute to the RPF leader such a control of the course of the events to confirm his role in the attack of 6 April ? Such writing of history can only convince those already convinced", Vidal estimates.
However, certain forums of discussions are less biased and Claudine Vidal leaves them the conclusion: "we can recognize this genocide and condemn with the greatest of energy its authors without denying that there was a triggering element."
The French intellectual finishes by inviting to "not be intimidated by those holding blocked accounts and antagonists who dispute the monopoly of legitimacy in the public domain. And facing assertions whose value of truth counts less than their accusing virulence, to continue to investigate, to seek to know more".
© Hirondelle News Agency