The prosecutor filled on 24 December a confidential motion requiring the confirmation of an indictment drawn up against the Rwandan lawyer, revealed the president of the ICTR, Dennis Byron, in a decision rendered on 28 December.
However, the order of Judge Byron does not specify the charges against Nshogoza, who is accused before Rwandan court of having allegedly tried to influence a witness.
The lawyer worked for the defence team of former military chaplain, Emmanuel Rukundo.
Nshogoza was arrested on 16 June in Gitarama, in central Rwanda by Kigali authorities.
He appeared before a court on 19 November and the prosecutor requested 10 years of imprisonment for the acts committed by the lawyer.
After spending six months in jail, Nshogoza was released on bail ,waiting for precise details from the ICTR, which also carried out its own investigation into the affair.
© Hirondelle News Agency