Mr Hitabatuma was accused of having looted goods from ten families belonging to the Catholic Youth Workers (CWJ), Rugenge Sector, according to Servilien Mudenge, President of the court.
The looted items, included furnitures and electronic goods among others, whose value was then estimated at around three million Rwanda Francs (approximately US $6,000).
The accused pled not guilty, claiming that he had fled the first few days when the killings began on April 6, 1994.
However, the prosecution summoned ten witnesses who were unanimous that the accused was in the area until end of June 1994 and that the looted goods were transported on aboard his yellow truck. The court found Hitabatuma guilty and ordered him to pay the amount equivalent of the looted goods.
According to Mudenge, third category trials constitute a great challenge because the population seems to be disinterested in such trials, which involves looters, livestock thefts and destruction of houses
The sector has held 14 third category trials. About 300,000 such trials are listed all over the country.
© Hirondelle News Agency