"His release is excellent news and a relief (.) Dominique Makeli underwent an unbelievably long ordeal, during which it was impossible for him to defend himself as he was calumniated. We wish that he can from now on live in peace, after these 14 years of separation and injustice", stated the organization in an official statement. Makeli was acquitted by semi-traditional Gacaca Court of Nyarugenge district (Kigali), on 5 October, and released after the announcement of the verdict on Monday.
He had been detained in Rwanda since 18 September 1994. Transferred on several occasions, he was recently detained in the central prison of Kigali (CPK), called "1930", the date of its construction. In October 2001, according to RWB, the public prosecutor had affirmed that Makeli was accused of having "incited the genocide in his reports".
Last year, he had come to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) to testify in favour of the former minister of foreign affairs, Jérome Bicamumpaka, who is still on trial.
After his testimony, he was returned to his cell in Rwanda.
© Hirondelle News Agency