According to Rwandan bi-monthly newspaper Ingabo, quoting Mrs Domitille Mukantaganzwa, Executive Secretary of National Service of Gacaca Courts (SNJG), around 10,000 cases are left to before the closure.
Mrs Mukantaganzwa, gacaca (pronounced gatchatcha) courts have contributed to bring out the truth and dissipated the climate of suspicion in Rwandan society.
She mentioned corruption of judges and certain witnesses as among factors which hindered some of the trials.
The general report of the operations of Gacaca Courts will be published in December.
Inspired by the former village assemblies during which the wise men of the village settled disagreements while sitting on the grass (gacaca, in Kinyarwandan), these semi-traditional courts tried most of the cases of the 1994 Tutsi genocide which, according to Kigali, led to a million deaths.
However, the courts are not presided by professional judges, but by people who are of high esteem in the society.
The Gacaca Courts can render sentences up to life in prison in isolation, the maximum sentence in Rwanda since the abolition of capital punishment in 2007.
© Hirondelle News Agency