"The court declares Naramabuye not guilty, pronounces his acquittal and orders his immediate release", declared the president of the gacaca court of Gihara, Célestin Ngendahayo.
Only an aunt of the victim had filed charges, but she never presented herself to the hearings to charge him, which led to eight deferrals of the proceedings before the judgement.
Relieved after the ruling, Naramabuye told Hirondelle Agency. "I was just with all these people that God helped me to put out of the range of the killers. I am happy when I see them. Today, it is thanks to their testimony that justice has just been rendered".
According to him, of all the people whom he had hidden in the parish where he was employed, only victim Gloriose, did not survive.
Ten survivors of the genocide had come from several corners of the country to testify in favour of the defendent.
© Hirondelle News Agency