Since Ndahimana's initial appearance before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), Chief Prosecutor Hassan Bubacar Jallow discarded the count of "conspiracy to commit genocide".
In the amended indictment, the remaining charges are: genocide or in the alternative complicity in genocide; conspiracy to commit genocide, and extermination as a crime against humanity.
"I plead not guilty", Grégoire Ndahimana repeated for each of the three remaining counts which were read to him.
The opening date of his trial is still to be fixed.
Grégoire Ndahimana is allegedly responsible for the killings of 2000 Tutsis at the Nyange Parish in April 1994.
He was arrested in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on August 10, 2009 and transferred to the United Nations Detention Facility in Arusha on September 21, 2009.
© Hirondelle News Agency