"The trial decision in the case of Jean Uwinkindi was due to be rendered at the end of the month and the inevitable appeal was projected to be finished in October," the president is quoted in a statement issued by the UN Department of Public Information as saying when briefing the UN Security Council on the case.
Uwinkindi, who was arrested on June 30, 2010 in Uganda, is charged with genocide and extermination, as a crime against humanity.
On November 4, 2010, the Prosecutor of ICTR filed three new applications for referral of cases to Rwanda for trial involving Uwinkindi, who is detained at the UN Detention Facility in Arusha and two fugitives still on the ran.
They are Fulgence Kayishema, former judicial police inspector of Kivumu commune in Kibuye prefecture (Western Rwanda) and Charles Sikubwabo, ex-mayor of Gishyita commune in the same prefecture.
The decision to be rendered is highly awaited as it would guide Chambers in deciding the two other applications which have been deferred, pending their arrest or final determination of Uwinkindi's case.
The first five similar applications filed in 2007 were rejected because the Chambers were of the view that the accused would not receive fair trials in Rwanda as a result of the laws in existence in the country at that time.
When filing the new applications, Jallow said Rwanda was now ready to prosecute the accused for the crimes against them in accordance with established international standards.
© Hirondelle News Agency