Arusha, June 17, 2011(FH) - The transfer of genocide-escapee Bernard Munyagishari from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Tuesday to the United Nations Detention Facility in Arusha, Tanzania, is a major event reported by Hirondelle News Agency this week.

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Munyagishari, the alleged leader of Interahamwe militiamen in Gisenyi prefecture, North Rwanda, who was arrested on May 25, 2011, is expected to make his initial appearance next Monday before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).

Two days after the defendant's transfer, the United Kingdom called up all states to cooperate with the Tribunal to ensure the remaining nine genocide fugitives are arrested and brought to justice.

British Foreign Office Minister for Africa Henry Bellingham said in a statement issued Thursday that ICTR continued to carry out the mandate given by international community to bring to justice those most responsible for the dreadful crimes committed in Rwanda in 1994.

He pointed out that Munyagishari's arrest demonstrated that there could be no escape from the reach of international justice and, hence, he welcome the news on his transfer to the ICTR, where he would  be charged with some of the most serious crimes of international concern, including genocide and crimes against humanity.

Another event covered included continuation of trial of former Rwandan military officer, Captain Ildephonse Nizeyimana, who closed his defence case on Thursday after calling 38 witnesses, including his wife, Rose Nyirasafari. The trial was adjourned to September 7, when the Tribunal will receive extra evidence from three prosecution witnesses.

Within this week there was also recommencement of defence hearing in the case of former Rwandan Planning Minister, Augustin Ngirabatware, who is charged with genocide and crimes against humanity and three witnesses testified for him.

There was also resumption of special deposition proceedings in the case most wanted genocide-fugitive Félicien Kabuga, who is charged with conspiracy to commit genocide, genocide, complicity in genocide and direct and public incitements to commit genocide, among others. The proceedings are being held in camera. Both trials continue Monday.

Before the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague, former Congolese militia chief Germain Katanga, who is charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity, continued presenting his defence case, whereas the prosecution in the trial of Jean-Pierre Bemba, leader of Movement for Liberation of Congo, went on calling its witnesses.

Both trials have been postponed to June 27, 2011.


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