"As soon as we catch him, we will deliver him alive to the International Criminal Court in The Hague,” Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW) quotes a Ugandan army commander as saying.
According to RNW, the Ugandan troops were speaking to a Belgian documentary-maker who spent a week with them on patrol in the rain forests of Central Africa.
The promise by the army comes few days after the launching of an operation by African Union troops from Uganda, South Sudan and Central African Republic to track down the fugitive.
Kony was indicted by ICC in 2005 for crimes against humanity and war crimes alongside other leaders of the rebel group, including Dominic Ongwen. Central-Africans, Ugandans and American soldiers have been tracking LRA leaders for several months, particularly Kony and Ongwen.
Early this month, it was reported that the Ugandan army destroyed the Central-African base of Ongwen. The base was seized on August 24, 2012 in the Haut Mbomou area of southeastern Central African Republic.