Arusha, February 8, 2013 (FH) – A special tribunal to try Chad’s ex-dictator Hissène Habré, two former Rwandan ministers acquitted, and a Congolese acquitted by the International Criminal Court still detained in an asylum seekers’ centre in the Netherlands. These are some of the top stories of the week.

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SENEGAL/HABRETribunal to try Habré: Senegal on Friday inaugurated a special tribunal to try former Chadian president Hissène Habré, accused of crimes committed in his country during his rule from 1982 to 1990. Habré has been living in exile in Senegal for the last 22 years. The African Union and Senegal reached agreement in 2012 to establish a special African tribunal to try Habré within the Senegalese judicial system.

ICTRTwo former Rwandan ministers acquitted on appeal: Justin Mugenzi and Prosper Mugiraneza, former ministers of Trade and Public Service respectively, were released from jail Monday after they were acquitted by the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). They had been sentenced by the lower court to 30 years in jail for conspiracy and incitement to commit genocide.

RWANDA/ICTRKigali threatens to expel ICTR observers: Kigali accused the ICTR of double standards, and threatened to expel ICTR staff monitoring a case transferred to Rwanda. Rwandan Prosecutor General Martin Ngoga said it was not acceptable that Rwanda be subject to monitoring while France, to which the ICTR transferred two cases, was not.

ICC Mathieu Ngudjolo seeking asylum: Former Congolese militiaman Mathieu Ngudjolo, acquitted by the International Criminal Court, has been detained since December 21 in an asylum seekers’centre in Amsterdam, according to his lawyer. Jean-Pierre Kilenda. told Hirondelle Thursday his client’s asylum request was being processed.


ICC: Four prominent Kenyans indicted by the ICC are due to appear before the Court Thursday for a pre-trial status conference. Their trials are due to start in April.

Rwanda: The trial of former Rwandan politician Léon Mugesera, extradited from Canada, is set to continue next week before the High Court in Kigali. He is accused of inciting the 1994 genocide.