Arusha, February 22, 2013 (FH) – The International Criminal Court started confirmation of charges hearings in the case of former Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo. Meanwhile, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda said two cases transferred to France in 2007 remain “of concern”.

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ICCGbagbo before pretrial court: Former Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo has been appearing before an ICC pretrial court since Tuesday for confirmation of charges hearings. International and Ivorian human rights organizations meanwhile reminded the Prosecutor that Gbagbo is not the only suspect in crimes committed in his country. They say supporters of current president Alassane Ouattara are also suspected of involvement in crimes linked to the violence that followed presidential elections in December 2010.

UNITED STATESWife of ICTR convict loses American citizenship: A woman of Rwandan origin has had her American citizenship taken away after she was found to have been lying about her role in the 1994 genocide. Béatrice Munyenyezi is the wife of Arsène Shalom Ntahobali, who was convicted by the ICTR and sentenced to life in prison. He is awaiting his appeal hearing.  

ICTR/FRANCEICTR concerned about cases in France: The ICTR said on Friday that two cases transferred to France remain “of concern”. The cases of Father Wenceslas Munyeshyaka and former prefect Laurent Bucyibaruta were transferred at the end of 2007 but have not yet been brought to trial. ICTR Registrar Bongani Majola added, however, that France had promised to speed up the proceedings and had informed the Tribunal that one of these cases was almost trial ready. 

NEXT WEEKICC - Confirmation of charges hearings continue in the case of former Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo- Trial resumes of former Congolese vice-president Jean-Pierre Bemba, accused of crimes in neighbouring Central African Republic. 

RWANDA - Trial continues of linguist and former politician Léon Mugesera, extradited from Canada a year ago. - Possible start of trial of Pastor Jean Uwinkindi, the first ICTR detainee to be transferred to Rwanda.