Without information, no reconciliation : our work and our mission explained in an animated video

0 min 48Approximate reading time

Last spring, we published a video animation (the experts speak of "motion design") whose objective was to explain, in a simplified and pictorial way, the job as well as the mission of JuticeInfo.net. On the occasion of the redesign of the website and remodeling of the team, we wanted to give a little visibility to this short video of 2 minutes 30.

It is also a rather educational document on the theme of "Transitional Justice". A central notion to explain the mission of JusticeInfo. To be widely distributed to students in international law or journalism.

This animation, conceived by the communication team of Fondation Hirondelle and JusticeInfo, was realized by a talented motion designer and illustrator: Jean-Luc Marçais Grant (also known as Djama). He has just participated in the realization of a high quality animated series currently broadcasted on Arte: "Le parfum d'Irak".

Without information, no reconciliation

One sentence comes up several times during the animation: "Without information, no reconciliation". We find it so explicit that it has become our baseline.

If you want to help JusticeInfo.net, you can of course support us by making a donation on the website, but you can also simply share this video with your entourage on social networks. Find the video on: